Effective Home Remedies for Dry Eyes
Dry eyes is a condition that can happen when the tiny glands in and around your eyelids are unable to make enough tears to help keep your eyes healthy and your vision clear. Healthy eyes make tears all day so that your eyes stay moist, smooth, healthy and comfortable. However, sometimes certain conditions can cause your eyes to produce fewer tears and this makes the eyes dry, leading to dry eye syndrome. If you have dry eyes, here are a few natural dry eye treatments you can try to get relief. 1. Warm compresses Tears are made up of oil, water and mucus. To enable your eyes to stay moist and healthy, all the three parts that make up tears are essential. In case of your eyelids getting inflamed and flaky, they may clog the oil-making glands along the edge of your eyelids and eventually lead to dry eyes. In order to help ease the irritation and loosen clogged oils, you can dip a clean washcloth with warm water, wring it out and then place it over your closed eyes for a minute or two. The moist heat works wonders in helping to loosen the clogged oils in the glands.