Diabetes mellitus: Diagnosis and treatment

Diabetes mellitus: Diagnosis and treatment

When diabetes mellitus in cats is suspected, the veterinarian usually takes a detailed medical history regarding the cat’s health leading up to the onset of the symptoms. It would be usually followed by standard tests including complete blood count, chemical profile, and urine analysis. These tests are usually sufficient for diagnosis and initial treatment.

1. Diagnosis
Typically, an unusually high level of glucose would be found in the blood and urine. High levels of liver enzymes and electrolytes imbalances can also be traced in these tests. Evidence of abnormally high levels of ketone bodies and other abnormalities can also be found in a urine test.

To diagnose concurrent diseases and complications due to diabetes, radiographic studies including x-rays and ultrasonography are useful. X-rays of the abdomen and ultrasound helps to determine associated abnormalities like kidney stones or inflammation of the liver and pancreas.

2. Treatment
To manage diabetes, the cat owner should be on toes about their cat’s health. They should work on maintaining good rapport with the veterinarian. The vets do not have one broad protocol of treatment for all incidences of diabetes in cats and will base the treatment on the individual cat. The vet will choose that particular type of insulin that suits the cat, from among various types of insulin available in the market.

There is no need to go in for extremely specific insulin that is given at a specific time every day. Any changes in this could result in poor control of blood glucose or lead to life-threatening complications like ketoacidosis.

If the affected cat is a female, the vet would perform ovariohysterectomy. It’s difficult managing diabetes in a cat when it’s in heat. Diabetes mellitus in cats need stringent management at home which is more important than overall treatment efforts. The cat requires daily activity but not strenuous exercise.

Obesity is a major risk factor for diabetes and it is important to maintain a healthy weight, which can greatly reduce the severity of the symptoms. No drastic change in diet patterns or the diet itself should be made without consulting a vet. A diabetes mellitus cat will need a well planned and strictly enforced diet plan. A veterinarian could help design such a plan to suit the cat’s needs. Lifestyle changes that would facilitate proper management of diabetes mellitus in cats will improve the overall well-being of the cat.

Most importantly, regular monitoring of glucose levels in diabetes mellitus cats is very important to evaluate the overall status of the condition. The veterinarian usually guides the cat owner on how to look at a symptom which could either be hypoglycemia (low glucose levels) or hyperglycemia (high glucose levels) both of which are seen in cats with diabetes. To maintain a daily and weekly chart of the cat’s diet, glucose test results, a daily dose of insulin, and weekly body weight is recommended to recognize when changes in the regular pattern of cats with diabetes mellitus. Do not administer any medication without discussing it with the veterinarian. If properly managed, cats with diabetes mellitus can have a long and healthy life.