Foods to Include in a COPD Diet
One of the major parts of the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is religiously following a nutritious diet, in collaboration with doctor-prescribed medications and therapies. While maintaining healthy eating habits won’t cure the condition, it can significantly prevent it from worsening and ward off any infections, along with boosting immunity. In this article, we will talk about foods that should be included in a COPD diet:
1. Potassium-rich foods
Potassium is integral to ensuring the proper functioning of the lungs. Its inadequate levels in the body can lead to breathing problems, so people with COPD should ensure that their diet contains foods abundant in potassium, like dark leafy green vegetables, beets, avocados, oranges, bananas, tomatoes, and asparagus. Including these in the COPD diet is especially crucial if the person is already taking diuretics.
2. Complex carbohydrates
If one is suffering from COPD, it is best to opt for a low-carbohydrate diet. Preferably, the diet should include complex carbohydrates that are high in fiber as they promote a better digestive system and regulate blood glucose levels. Peas, lentils, quinoa, potatoes with skin, barley, oats, and beans are some foods high in complex carbohydrates that should be a part of one’s COPD diet.
3. Healthy fats
Low-carb meals included in the COPD diet should also comprise a range of foods high in healthy fats. These can be extremely beneficial for one’s health in the long run. Olives and olive oil, coconut and coconut oil, seeds, nuts, fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines), and cheese are some foods that are packed with fatty acids. Such nutrients can help lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases, reduce inflammation, improve insulin sensitivity, and even help one lose weight.
4. Soy
Certain studies suggest that long-term consumption of soy items could help improve the lung function of COPD patients. It could also significantly lower breathlessness and cough. In addition, the flavonoids in soy have anti-inflammatory properties that could possibly shield against any carcinogens. One’s COPD diet should include soy foods like tofu, soymilk, edamame, soy nuts, bean sprouts, and natto.
5. Foods to avoid
While the above-mentioned foods can benefit COPD patients immensely, some foods should be consumed in moderation or avoided altogether. For example, too much sodium in meals can lead to water retention that can affect one’s ability to breathe properly. Likewise, fruits like apples, apricots, peaches, and melons could trigger bloating and gas, which could cause breathing issues for COPD patients.
There are also some vegetables and legumes that might cause gas and bloating. Beans, Brussels sprouts, corn, leeks, some types of lentils, peas, onions, soybeans, cauliflower, and cabbage are some that make it to this list. However, if one doesn’t experience uncomfortable digestive symptoms, they can enjoy having these foods in limited amounts. Fried and greasy foods should be avoided altogether as they can cause indigestion and gas. Similarly, dairy products could make phlegm thicker, aggravating the cough further. So it is advisable to consume small amounts of dairy. Before one plans a COPD diet, they should consult their pulmonologist or dietician to be on the safe side. In many cases foods can help support or work in conjunction with doctor-prescribed medications for COPD. Patients taking oxygen therapy or spiriva and stiolto respimat inhalers to reduce COPD symptoms may benefit from dietary changes. To learn more about medications to treat COPD talk to your healthcare professional, and ask about getting a spiriva inhaler coupon.