Keep These Communication Tips in Mind on Your Next Solo Trip

Keep These Communication Tips in Mind on Your Next Solo Trip

Language is such a crucial communication tool that it is important to know the basics especially when one is travelling solo to foreign language countries. Travelling all the way to any foreign country can be extremely stressful, but that shouldn’t stop you from going on solo trips. Keep these basic tips in mind to overcome language barriers so that your solo trip becomes a memorable one.

1. Get to know the basics
Get to know at least the basics of the foreign language in form of certain words and phrases that are essential. For instance, you can learn words like hello, thank you, excuse me, and many other basic interactions to strike a conversation. Ideally, translated words will help you to politely deal with the natives. You may choose to carry a phrase or word translation book in case you don’t know how to proceed with the conversation.

Eventually you must plan well in advance when travelling solo to a non-English speaking country. Remember to keep your itinerary and passes in place in form of hard or soft copy to avoid any last minute confusion. You must also carry hard copies of all necessary items, such as addresses and maps in case you’re unable to strike a conversation.

Ensure your smartphone is intact and has an internet connection to download apps to book cabs/taxis, access maps for directions, translate language through translation tools, and to stay connected. You must be familiar with body language that is compatible with the country’s culture such as hand gestures, pointing out, greeting, and asking for help. Overall, keep up your smile and be gentle and polite while travelling around or asking for help.

2. Carry a notepad
It is best to carry a small notepad and a pen in case you can’t communicate through all possible means. You can probably draw a picture in case you need information. Ensure that you know how to get to your hotel or guest house from the airport. Travelling by public transport is an ideal option when you are in an unfamiliar place.

Keep in mind to always carry your hotel’s address and a map in case you have to opt for a taxi or a cab. To avoid any hassles while communicating, you should get the address details of your hotel written in the local language. While visiting places, you can take note of the route — this can be done either by writing the directions down or by clicking pictures of the route.

Additionally, you can always connect with the English speaking community through social media and other channels for real time information. When you are in a country that does not speak your language, you must learn to go with the flow by learning and picking up words and phrases as you travel.