Things to Know About Plastic Surgery for Men

Things to Know About Plastic Surgery for Men

Over the last few years, men have become conscious about their beauty and physique. They have been exploring plastic surgery procedures for various reasons. Men account for around 9% of these procedures which is around one million nonsurgical and surgical procedures. Men are always looking to change certain things about their they do not like which includes image makeover.

There are some procedures which are very popular with men like Liposuction-45,000; male breast reduction-31,368; eyelid surgery-28000; nose surgery-26,205; facelift-13,700; and ear surgery-10,457. The other popular plastic surgeries are neck lift, chin augmentation, brow lift, tummy tuck, and fat transfer to the face.

Male breast reduction has increased over the past 20 years and the cosmetic procedure among men has gone up by 40 %. But even then they have fewer procedures than women. Mostly opt for tattoo removal, 37% for nose jobs, 21% for neck lifts, 23% for chin augmentation, and 29% ear surgery.

1. Body Improvement
Men also like to look good and there are many cosmetic surgeries and procedures they undergo every year just to improve their looks. A few are nonsurgical while others are surgical procedures. Nonsurgical or landscaping as they are known are treatments like Botox, and laser hair removal. While plastic surgery gives instant results there is also the danger in surgical procedures.

2. Cost
Costs depend on the type of cosmetic procedure you wish to get done. The charges of the procedure and the fees of the doctor and the hospital or clinic where the procedure is conducted all cost fees. You can look around for a better surgeon or a better deal.

Average costs of procedures approximately are:-

  • Liposuction- $3,347
  • Facelift- $7,503
  • Botox injections- $376
  • Eyelid surgery- $3,216
  • Nose job (rhinoplasty)- $5,067 onwards

3. Benefits and risks

Getting plastic or cosmetic surgery done has huge benefits as well as risks. The individual undergoes anesthesia which may cause airway obstruction, blood loss, blood clots, stroke, nerve damage, brain damage, heart attack, and abnormal heart rhythm. Other dangers include fluid collection after liposuction, scarring, puckers, numbness, irregularities, asymmetry, skin death, etc.

Before you go in for cosmetic or plastic surgery you need to read up on the procedure and dangers and also get to know your doctor well. You should know that he is a specialist, trained and properly qualified to carry out the operation.

Before you opt for any surgical procedures, make sure you consult your doctor as the medicines may affect the surgery. You need to find out if you are physically fit to undergo any popular plastic surgery.

You also need to stay fit and healthy, stop drinking and smoking before surgery to maximize healing. You need to understand the risks involved and also be realistic of the outcome. You need to take medications, reduce weight if you are overweight, you also need to elect if you can withstand the surgery. There are many popular plastic surgeries that you should know. Make sure you ask your doctor for its pros and cons. Some popular plastic surgeries may be fatal if not done from a skilled doctor.